SIC RS 14×26


Elite Race | Fitness | Touring

The RS has become a huge favorite amongst paddlers of nearly all levels and garnering the prestigious SUPConnect “Race Board of The Year” award in both 2018 and 2019.
The RS has now been fine tuned and made even faster and stronger. The refinements are slight but the improvement to top-end speed is significant. The nose has been pulled in slightly from the wide point giving it even better into-the-wind performance, acceleration and top-end speed. The volume from the rails has been stacked back into the top deck and shaped into a higher center peak to sheer water and pop up more quickly when the nose punches through chop. The nose of the 14’0” was lowered by approximately 1/4”/635 cm and the tail lowered by 1/2”/1.27cm to optimize the waterline while the rocker line of the 12’6” remains unchanged based on the rider feedback. The cockpit has been lowered slightly. The all new Super Fly (SF) construction has been a massive leap forward in durability, stiffness and overall performance. With a full PVC wrapped core to give the board tremendous impact resistance with its tip-to-tail / 360-degree rail-to-rail wrap few boards can compare.

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De nieuwe SIC RS is ontworpen voor zowel race als touring. Het 2020 model is nog sneller en sterker door kleine aanpassingen aan de hand van feedback van de peddelaars. Zo is er een kleine aanpassing aan de neus gedaan waardoor deze beter tegen de wind in presteert, beter kan accelereren en je een hogere topsnelheid behaalt. Door de nieuwe Super Fly constructie is er een grote stap voorwaarts gezet in duurzaamheid, stijfheid en de overall performance van dit board.

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26"(66 cm)


315 L

Belastbaar gewicht

+100 kg